I've started this blog to share my progress on my genealogy research. Major surnames in my family history include Lollar, Lafever, Perkins, Stewart, Mahan, Steward, Judd, Spears, Grimes, Dunn, Burgess, Rhea, Sherrell, Wright.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
John Lollar and 1820 census
John Lauler’s family:
Age on census | years | actual person (guess) | Age
male 26-45 | 1775-1794 | John, b 1779 | 41
female 26-45 | 1775-1794 | Nancy, b 1794 | 26
male 16-26 | 1794-1804 | ??
female 16-26 | 1794-1804 | ??
male 10-16 | 1804-1810 | Levi, b 1807 | 13
male 10-16 | 1804-1810 | Isaac, b 1809 | 11
female under 10 | 1811-1820 | Elizabeth/Sally/Susanna?
female under 10 | 1811-1820 | Elizabeth/Sally/Susanna?
male under 10 | 1811-1820 | Corder b 1820 | under 1
Who are the two missing children aged 16-26? Could they have been Nancy’s siblings? Do we have wrong birth dates and could the girl be Elizabeth/Sally/Susanna? Why do I have three females under 10 but the census listed only two? These items and dates need to be verified. What if John and Susanna Patillo actually got married earlier, around 1800? They then could have had the two children 16-26 years old on this census. Maybe dates for Elizabeth/Sally/Susanna are wrong and one of them was born in the 1794-1804 period.
For more notes and thoughts on the White County censuses I have added a link to the right.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Were John and Thomas Lollar brothers?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
John Lollar – no "J"
I recently received some info in an email that makes complete sense
to me: John J. Lollar (b 1779) is actually John Lollar with no J for
the middle name. The "John J" most likely stemmed from confusing John
Jefferson Lollar (b 1846) with the aforementioned 1779 John Lollar.
John Jefferson married Leoma/Omie Burgess and many people
state that the 1779 John Lollar married Omie Burgess. Unfortunately, I've
even seem some people's research showing the 1779 John as John
Jefferson Lollar.
Take the White Co, TN census records and tax list as an example of
why not to use the middle initial J; John was listed as the head of
household in these ways:
1820 census: John Lauler
1821 White Co tax list: John Lollar owned 183 acres in Town Creek
1830 census: John Lollar
1840 census: John Loller
1860 census: John Loller
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Why I'm starting a genealogy blog.
I have found several websites that list Isaac Lollar (b. 1710) as a common ancestor but most people in the descendants follow only one line. One thing I hope to do is to consolidate that information and add it to my family tree in order to aid anyone following those lines, regardless if they are my direct family line or not.
However, probably my main goal is to figure out the mystery behind John Lollar (b. 11 July 1779 in Buchanan, Granville Co, North Carolina) and how he is connected to the Isaac Lollar line. So far I can't tell that anyone has connected him with that line but I'm convinced he is somehow. The biggest reason is that Isaac Lollar's line has lots of Perkinses mingled in and John evidently lived right near the Perkins families since he and his wife Nancy are both buried in the Perkins Cemetery.
Originally this post said it was a test post but I just changed it tonight (9/16/06) to make it more of an introduction blog. I probably won't modify past blogs unless there is some sort of gross error.
In the words of Langston Hughes, "we march!"