I recently received some info in an email that makes complete sense
to me: John J. Lollar (b 1779) is actually John Lollar with no J for
the middle name. The "John J" most likely stemmed from confusing John
Jefferson Lollar (b 1846) with the aforementioned 1779 John Lollar.
John Jefferson married Leoma/Omie Burgess and many people
state that the 1779 John Lollar married Omie Burgess. Unfortunately, I've
even seem some people's research showing the 1779 John as John
Jefferson Lollar.
Take the White Co, TN census records and tax list as an example of
why not to use the middle initial J; John was listed as the head of
household in these ways:
1820 census: John Lauler
1821 White Co tax list: John Lollar owned 183 acres in Town Creek
1830 census: John Lollar
1840 census: John Loller
1860 census: John Loller
I am pretty certain that John J. Lollar's headstone has the J in it. We do not have record of what the J stands for. I also have noticed that some put in Jefferson - but we do not know for sure. I will see if I can dig up a pic of the headstone.
Hi Jaelene,
I've just finished updating some of the design of my genealogy website and added a picture that I took in 2004 of John Lollar's headstone. I was curious about what you said and the headstone nor the more modern piece show a middle initial. I know the quality of the photo is not that great but I think we can at least get that much out of it.
The picture can be found here
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